We had such a great time at
Solvang. The first stop (of course!) the knitting store. I got the courage to inquire about spinning and the lady took the time to actually give me a small lesson. I am so eager to start doing it. I purchased this
beautiful roving and a the little
spindle you see here in the picture. I will let you guys know how my first adventure with spinning goes... Here is a picture of R and I right outside the yarn shop and a picture of the roving purchase. I couldn't pass on some gourgeous sock yarn too.
Estuvimos de vacaciones en Solvang. Es un pueblito Danés bellísimo. Por supuesto la primera parada fue en la tienda de tejer donde me animé a comprar los materiales para hilar la lana. Es mi primera aventura hilando así que veremos como me va. Aquí les enseño las cosas que compré.

Here is a picture of the cute little
trolley that takes people around town. Rachel was able to feed the
Esta es una foto del trecito jalado por caballos que lleva la gente arededor del pueblo. Rachel le dio de comer al caballito. 

There are little gardens and fountains all over the town to sit and take a break.
Hay bancas, jardines y fuentes por todas partes del pueblo para sentarse y tomar un descanso. 
There are several of this wind mills around the town. They are actually little stores. The streets are full of candy shops, souvenirs, etc.
Hay varios molinos de viento como este pero por dentro son tienditas de suvenirs, chocolate, etc. 
On the way out of solvang there is a beautiful flower field. We enjoyed walking around and taking some pictures.
Saliendo de Solvang hay un campo de puras flores precioso. Ahi paramos para caminar y tomar unas fotos.