Of course I have been thinking about new projects for the baby. I have been giving a lot of thinking to the fact that most baby items are knitted in yellow, an ugly hospital green, baby blue or baby pink. Since I don't like the two typical "neutral" colors (yellow and green), I have been thinking in other options that are also neutral and more cheerful like
PURPLE, ETC. Why does everything has to be either pink or baby blue? Debbie Bliss was one of the first knitting designers to make baby items in very no-traditional colors like
wine, and even
black. Why not? It gives babies a grown up look that is very cute. Don't you think? Since I still don't know the sex of my baby, I would have to stick to the neutrals. I have a project in turquoise and another one in red., but I won't start until R's sheep sweater is ready. My one project at a time rule... remember? This is not very promising because of my morning sickness (which by the way last all day not just the morning) which includes a desire NOT TO KNIT. I just want to lie down all day. The nausea is starting to go away so my knitting might pickup anytime... I hope...
Por supuesto que ya estoy planeando tejer algo para el bebé, pero esto me hace pensar en que quiero usar colores no tradicionales. Por qué todo tiene que ser celeste o rosado o amarillo pollito? Hay diseñadoras como Debbie Bliss que han introducido colores muy de adulto en los diseños infantiles tales como café, gris, vino, verde oliva y hasta negro. Por qué no? Hace que los chiquitines se vean como adultos enanos y para mí eso es adorable... Así que como no se el sexo del bebé todavía empezaré con colores no tradiciones neutrales, como rojo y turqueza. Aunque no pienso empezar hasta que termine el sueter de ovejas de R. Ojala que sea pronto porque con los achaques no me han dado ganas de tejer para nada y ando un poco atrasada con ese proyecto.