I had already finished the back for "Florence" but I am not sure I will finish it on time for I to wear it specially since I am knitting the smallest size.
The 4 seasons sweater is finished. I just have to work on the embroidery, block the pieces and put it together. So part of me just wants to do that.

Every year I plan on knitting something for each member of the family, and every year I fail. This year I really wanted to do it but with the baby it will be even harder as I have so little time to knit. However I am trying to set aside some time for myself when everybody is asleep around midnight for my blogging and knitting as this is something that really helps me to stay sane despite the lack of sleep... Any ways all that just to say I really want to start something new... but I won't because of my rule of 3 projects max at a time, actually is supposed to be only 2 one big project and 1 portable one. Right now I have 3, the 2 that I am showing and a pair of socks that is buried somewhere in my knitting tote. It was supposed to be a X-Mas present for my oldest daughter Luz but I think they are too small for her, and I want to make her a pair of socks from Cookie instead. So I might finish this socks and give them to my 8 year old Rachel.
What to do????