Friday, May 30, 2008

What to knit next???

I am debating what to knit next. I had bought a bunch of wool to make covers but thanks to my friend Amanda who gave me a bunch of great diaper covers, knitting soakers is not a priority anymore. :-) Thanks Amanda I love everything you gave me! God bless you!

I had already finished the back for "Florence" but I am not sure I will finish it on time for I to wear it specially since I am knitting the smallest size.

The 4 seasons sweater is finished. I just have to work on the embroidery, block the pieces and put it together. So part of me just wants to do that.

Every year I plan on knitting something for each member of the family, and every year I fail. This year I really wanted to do it but with the baby it will be even harder as I have so little time to knit. However I am trying to set aside some time for myself when everybody is asleep around midnight for my blogging and knitting as this is something that really helps me to stay sane despite the lack of sleep... Any ways all that just to say I really want to start something new... but I won't because of my rule of 3 projects max at a time, actually is supposed to be only 2 one big project and 1 portable one. Right now I have 3, the 2 that I am showing and a pair of socks that is buried somewhere in my knitting tote. It was supposed to be a X-Mas present for my oldest daughter Luz but I think they are too small for her, and I want to make her a pair of socks from Cookie instead. So I might finish this socks and give them to my 8 year old Rachel.
What to do????

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Wool Soaker

Wool Soaker
Date started: April 15, 2008
Date finished: May 27, 2008
Yarn: Patons Classic Wool in Wedgewood 77011

Monday, May 26, 2008

Breastfeeding Victory!

I haven't blog about this but I have had some breastfeeding problems with Ian. The main problem been the unproper latching making me really sore. I had to pump for the first weeks and give him my milk in a blottle. I went to Baby R us and bought all of the bottles that proclaim to be breast- like and some other that are BPA free. I tried them all except for the Dr. Browns and the Avent. I ended up falling in love with Nuby it was the only bottle I tried that had the right flow (all other bottles seemed to make Ian shoke on the milk), and it is BPA Free and the nipple is somewhat flat allowing some similarity with the breast plus it was the ONLY BOTTLE THAT DIDN'T DRIP.

I had always have tons of milk so pumping is a must or I will get mastitis, the problems is I was having to pump for everyfeeding (every 3 hours) and the pumping overstimulated my milk production, I was exahusted! So a couple of weeks ago I started really putting Ian at the breast, he still hurt me but it was more bearable. His sucking has gotten better and I think my nipples are getting used to him as well.

The good news is that the last two days he had only fed on my breast, I am down to only 2 pumping sessions a day and today his dad offered him a juicy bottle of milk and he did not go for it. He did not even opened his mouth!

This makes me sooo happy, I can finally sleep through the night while getting out of bed since I don't have to pump every 3 hours or feed the baby with the bottle. I am so happy we are finally getting the breastfeeding down, as this has increased the attachment between each other as well. I am glad I did not give up and kept trying to make the breasfeeding work.

No había hablado de esto pero he tenido unos problemitas dándole de mamar a Ian. El como que cerraba la boca en lugar de abrirla y succionaba su labio superior causándome mucho dolor al amamantar. Tuve que sacarme leche y dársela en el chupón para darle oportunidad a mis pesones de sanar, lo malo es que me tenía que sacar leche cada 3 horas y esto aumentó mi producción. En las últimas dos semanas empecé a ponerlo al pecho y también darle chupón. El empezó a agarrar el pecho mejor y también creo que mis pesones se acostumbraron. Tengo dos días de darle solo pecho y hoy rechazó el chupón lo cual me dice que prefiere el pecho. Estoy super feliz porque la producción de leche me ha bajado y por fin puedo dormir en la noche sin tener que levantarme de la cama para sacarme leche y darle chupón. Los dos nos vamos a dormir juntitos y solo me levanto para cambiarlo una o dos veces. MORALEJA: No hay que darse porvencido cuando hay problemas de dar el pecho hay que seguir intentándolo y tarde o temprano el bebé aprende y las cosas se normalizan. Me alegro de que no me di por vencida.

My mom is leaving...

My mom came from C.R. to help me out with the baby, she had been here for one month but Friday she had to leave. It was great having her, she helped me so much... I am going to miss her.

Mami vino para ayudarme con el bebé. Se quedó un mes pero el viernes pasado se fue de regreso a C.R. Me ayudó tanates así que me va a hacer muchísima falta.

One month

I took this picture on May 19 exactly at one month. Ian is now almost 9 pounds (was only 6 pounds 15 ounces when he was born), so I can already see effects of the breatmilk on him, he is getting longer, bigger and heavier really fast! and cuter of course...
Esta foto la tomé el 19 de Mayo a un mes de edad. Ian pesa ahora 9 libras (peso solo 6 libras y 15 onzas al nacer), así que ya puedo ver los efectos de la leche materna en él, se está poniendo mas largo, grande y pesado muy rápidamente y además más lindo cada día.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Baby at 3 weeks

Here with mom

Here with Tita:

Con Tita:

Here wearing the gown aunt Cristina made for sister Mariel 18 years ago... It has been worn by Mariel, Rachel, and now Ian. It is my favorite PJ's because the material is nice and cool and it fits the baby for a long time.
Aquí en esta foto Ian lleva puesto un saquito que Tia Cristina le hizo a Mariel hace 18 años. Es mi favorito porque la tela es fresquita y les dura mucho tiempo. Ya ha sido usado por Mariel, Rachel y ahora por Ian. Gracias tia Cristina! Lo he guardado todos estos años con mucho cariño.