Thursday, August 28, 2008
Snappi prefold
Prefolds are so cheap (only $1.50 to $2 each) that there is not excuse to not use cloth diapers...
Hoy recibí mis pañales predoblados chinos pero no sabía como poner el SNAPPI que es una liguita que se usa en lugar de gasillas. Así que encontré este video en YOUTUBE que muestra como hacerlo. Es super fácil! Las mantillas predobladas son tan baratas que no hay excusa para no usar mantillas de tela y con el SNAPPI es un dos por tres y muy seguro!

Hola, hace dias que no pongo fotos del bebé, así que aquí les va. Ya tiene 4 meses y medio y sigue creciendo "como la mala hierva". Todavía no deja dormir a la pobre mamá ni de noche, ni de día.
Look what I got in the mail today. :-))) Knitting relief in a DVD case... Since I can't knit, because of the baby, at least I can watch knitting videos while I rock him to sleep... So far, I have watch, two episodes and my favorite is the second one they made on sweaters. I love the show, is very dynamic and they show different projects in one episode. They also have different segments by the sponsors of the show on different subjects. Very nice, I give it a 4 star so far.
On the diaper update, I am loving all of them but specially the hemp fitted diapers that I got. The velour diapers all wash really well and they don't get stained. Plus I like the fact that the Good Mamas have double booters which is critical at night. Still Ian soaks through the whole thing so I am going to wash the prefolds and try that, in that way I can add as many prefolds as needed. I have the feeling that he is going to end up looking like a ballon by the time I layer enough prefolds to keep him somewhat dry at night. LOL
Este fue un video que me llegó hoy sobre tejer, como no tengo tiempo de tejer por lo menos puedo ver estos videos mientras duermo al bebé... para quitarme un poco las ganas... Chao
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Why did I get rid of my BG 2.0
1- The manufacture says in order to keep the diaper you most not use diaper rash cream. (So its the good of the diaper for the good of the baby's skin?)
2- The manufacture also says you should not wash these microfiber diapers at the same time than your cotton diapers, thus forcing me to wash my diapers separately (two loads instead of one -what a pain-).
3- No matter how snug I adjusted the elastics on the legs they kept leaking on me.
4- Since they are all in ones, they robe me from the joy of using my wool covers... and I found these diapers to be very hot for the summer plus I don't really think they breath at all. My baby's skin was very red and humid when he wore these, unlike fabric+cover systems.
So, good by BG's... I should have read all the comments in the cottonbabies website before buying you... Although people seem to love the 3.0 version, I just do not want to deal with AIO and I don't really like microfiber.
The BG's will be replaced with a variaty of regular fitteds that I will be testing out in the following weeks, some of which I already got on the mail:
1- Velour Organic Cotton GOODMAMAS
2- Velour Organic Cotton SUGAR PLUM.
3- Hemp and Organic Cotton SWEET PEAS
4- Mother Easy SANDY'S
5- Plain old chinese prefolds.
Stay tooned to hear which diaper is the winner...
Thursday, August 21, 2008
My parents

Mi mamá me mandó esta foto de ella y mi papá. Creo que yo nisiquiera había nacido cuando tomaron esta foto. Debe ser del año 1966 o 67. Verdad que eran los dos muy guapos ?
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Knitting Daily TV Show
Comments & Questions
Viewer/Online Services:email:
tel: (323) 953-5238
If you are like me and cannot wait to see the show, the DVDs of the first season can be purchased here for only $40. Now if you buy them before I do, please share... I am waiting to have a little bit of extra money to buy them but I don't know when am I going to be able to.
Now if my dear HUSBAND is reading this... This will be a good surprise present (hint-hint) to go along with the portable DVD player you gave me for mothers day and that only you use to watch your Ju-Jitsu videos... ahamm ahamm (clearing throat).
Hopefully a lot of us will call so we can get the show aired here!
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
My dad came to visit and we had an awesome time. I need to post a picture once I transfer them from my other computer.
Speaking of having no time, it is very frustrating not having time to knit, I have tried to start a new pair of socks but each day I can barely get the basic things done and the day goes by without been able to knit a single stitch. All I can do is get on line and surf for interesting knitting projects, salivate over them and realize that is going to take a long time until I can actually work on a big project...
Long ago, I used to subscribe to knitting magazines, not any more. After collecting over a 100 magazines, I don't buy any new issues unless I have looked at them carefully. My favorite ones are Vogue Knitting, Interweave Knits and knitters. I have already check the previews for both Interweave Knits and VK. Knitters does not have a preview of their fall issue available yet. I don't think I will be buying any of them, I can't believe how boring the designs are lately... The only thing I will consider knitting is this model by Robin Melanson in Vogue Knitting:

It is the green sweater at the right bottom of the page. Besides that, non of the other projects appeal me. Anyways, since I have so many projects lined up, I don't have to worry too much about it.
What is your favorite knitting magazine?
No hay mucho tiempo para escribir ultimamente por aquí. Con costo tengo tiempo para actividades frívolas como comer y dormir (comentario sarcástico), ya se me había olvidado cuanto trabajo es cuidar de un bebé, pero por supuesto cada día amo más a mi saco de ternura de 16 libras que ya hace muchos ruidos y se ríe conmigo a penas me ve...
Mi papá me vino a visitar y la pasamos super bien, lo malo es que después de que se fue me quedó como un vacío muy triste, y la necesidad de comer ensalada todos los días... ja ja
Hablando de no tener tiempo, es muy frustrante no tener tiempo para tejer. A penas me da tiempo de hacer lo básico y se me pasa el día sin poder tejer ni siquiera una puntada. Lo único que logro hacer para saciar mi sed de tejer es recorrer el internet viendo nuevos proyectos, aunque reconozco en mi interior que va a pasar mucho tiempo antes de que pueda embarcarme en un proyecto grande como un sueter.
Hace mucho yo acostumbraba subscribirme a revistas de tejer, pero después de amasar una colección de más de 100 revistas, solo las compro si me gustan mucho. Ya he estado revisando las del Otoño del 2008 y no me gusta nada. Me sorprende como entre tantos modelos, ninguno me apetece, y es que falta originalidad y los diseños me parecen aburridos y repetitivos. El único que salva la tanda es este sueter de Robin Melanson para Vogue Knitting. Es el sueter verde de la esquina inferior derecha. De ahi en fuera, no creo que me interese en ninguna revista, de todas maneras tengo muchos proyectos pendientes y no tengo tiempo para tejer.
Mis revistas de tejer favoritas son Vogue Knitting, Interweave Knits y Knitters. Cuáles son las tuyas?