Here you go, I just finished the heal flap. I can't believe it took me 2 weeks to get this much done! That means it is going to take me 1 month per each sock! Wow! that is horrible! I guess they will be ready for Christmas... I hope. I had a lot of doubts about this pattern since you leave a strand of yarn on the front of 3 stitches, I wasn't sure how that was going to turn out, but now I really love it. It looks great! I did not have the 150 grams of yarn that the pattern calls for, only 100 gr. So, I calculated I would probably use 5 grams for the ribbing, 10 for the leg, and the remining 35 gr for the actual foot. This should be enough to finish each sock and have some left over yarn. Of course my leg is shorter than the pattern, but it was the only way to make sure I will have enough yarn to finish the pair. We will see how this turns out.
Esto es lo que llevo de las medias. No puedo creer que me haya tomado 15 dias hacer esta parte, a penas es la mitad de una media! quiere decir que me va a tomar 2 meses terminar el par si sigo a este ritmo... por lo menos tal vez las termine a tiempo para Navidad... Qué frustrante es no tener tiempo para tejer! Tuve que hacer magia con la lana para que me alcance porque solo tenia 100 gramos en lugar de 150 gr que pedia el patrón, para esto hice la pierna mas corta, espero que resulte!
Ya tengo varios encargos de otras cosas que quiero tejer así que mejor me pongo las pilas!