Monday, October 19, 2009

Home Schooling Doubts

I think that all of us who home school have doubts from time to time. I have been thinking a lot lately about the possibility of putting R back in school next year. My head feels like spinning just to try to sort out the pros and cons of such decision. The only real reason I have to consider it is social in nature.

It is very different for families with several children. Siblings are a great way to socialize... but with R she only has "baby" and there is long ways to go before he can meet her social needs.

I have tried social groups and also play dates but those also have their prons and cons. I find myself tired at times in trying so hard to find play dates with children of similar age and interests to her. I feel tired of always been the one inviting people over but never getting an invitation from anyone else. Each new week represents a challenge as to how and where are we going to find a social opportunity and it is starting to worn me out...

Every time I see my daughter playing by herself and wondering around the house saying something to her self, I can't help to wonder if I am doing the right thing. When she was in school, both public and private, she didn't have like a ton of friends, but God always provided at least one little girl that was happy to play and hangout with her. A best friend.

I don't think I would put her in public school. There are way too many issues to avoid doing that but there happens to be a good option for a private and very small Christian school. The cons would be the driving and extra expense, not only in tuition but also uniforms and gasoline. There is also the big question mark of wether or not I would be able to get used to that routine again. Getting up early, the horrible morning rush, the driving... oh and the oh so hated homework. Oh Lord how much do I despise homework! Whoever invented it should be booed forever...

These are all big questions buzzing inside my head but thankfully I have a long time to make a decision and really think about it, if this is the way the Lord is guiding us, we will need him to come up with the financial resources to do it by then. If this his will, He will open the doors the way He always does. If not, I pray that God helps me to be more creative in finding social opportunities for R and that He provides more good friends for her...

The good thing is that if the Private school doesn't work out, we can always go back to home school in a blink of an eye and this time we will know exactly what to do.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Lots of random stuff / VARIOS

The other day I went to Ride Aid looking for a good liquid vitamin for R since her diet is so restricted, I really wanted to find something strong. I have tried some liquid vitamins but they don't pass the taste test and it is such a fight to get her to drink it. So I found this energy drink and decided to give it a try. Now, I didn't give it to R, I took it myself today. I have been feeling so, so tired lately, and I can't get anything done. Oh my goodness, it was amazing! It kept me going all day with no naps, I have been feeling fantastic and in a great mood, this is amazing specially since I am in those days of the month I am particularly grouchy. My husband says he is buying me a case and he will pay for it! :-)) This one is a keeper. Here is what is in it.
They also have the "Focus and Memory" version, so I will get that one for R.

Changing the subject, once in a while you find a little gadget that really makes a difference in your kitchen. Most of them are luxuri
es. But this little guy is awesome. It has made my life so much better. It is a pan scrubber, it has
a sharp edge that takes out all the stuff in the pan without scratching it and without scrubbing like a maniac. Where had you been all of my life??? I love this thing! It was only a couple of bucks in Bed, Bath and Beyond.

Here is another life saver... My new Mei Tai. This is an answer to my prayers and those of my husband... Lord, have this child play by himself so I can get something done! Lord, I need to do so much stuff and he does not let me do anything... Lord, help my wife have some pride in this house and clean it a little... Well, thanks to my friend Sonia, I found the solution, Mei Tais. This thing is amazing. Baby loves it. He has even fallen asleep on it. I got mine on Ebay for about $20 but they are super easy to make. It is the only way I can get ANYTHING done around here... So, thanks God for Mei Tais. No kidding!

These pictures are from a cute Gingerbread House R and I found at Albertson's. We just couldn't resist it. This is my first Gingerbread House ever! Yes ever! I am not from this country so this is not a tradition I grew up with. We had such a good time today putting it together. Note to self for the future: Do not decorate a Gingerbread House under a light bulb... (cough, cough) it melts... Fortunately, the melted look is perfect in this case because it is a Halloween Gingerbread House. So it makes it look spookier... LOL

The last picture is what I am doing with the left overs of that XL wheat color sweater. I decided I wanted to try a more fitted pattern for the longies. I am using the Katrina soaker pattern and I am going to saw legs to it. I got the idea from the longies I have seen in ETSY. I really liked the soakers I made with this pattern so I want to see what kind of fitting can I get using knitted fabric. I hope it works!

En Español:

FOTO #1: Esta es una bebida energética que prové hoy. Sí funciona, repito Sí funciona. He estado muy baja de energía y esta bebida me mantuvo trabajando sin parar, al punto que aquí estoy blogeando a la media noche y no me siento cansada, limpié la casa, hice comida, le hice el homeschooling a Rachel, fui de compras, hice la casita que se ve en las fotos, y todo con un excelente humor... Y eso que estaba en esos días del mes... Así que ya dijo J que me va a comprar unas cuantas docenas... JA JA JA

FOTO #2:

La segunda foto es de una uña plastica que me encontré para raspar los sartenes. La amo sobre todas las cosas! Se acabo el estar restregando, esto arranca todo, y solo me costo $2. Que fantástica invensión!

FOTO #3:

Es de un MEI TAI. Los Mei Tai fueron la respuesta a mis oraciones porque el bebé no me dejaba hacer absolutamente NADA! Así que lo pongo en el, y no siento ni el peso, ahí lo ando conmigo haciendo mis cosas y al él le encanta! Hasta se queda a veces dormido en el. Me costo $20 en Ebay pero es super fácil de hacer. Es un cuadrado con 4 tiras saliendo de las esquinas, eso es todo... El truco esta en saberlo amarrar correctamente...

FOTOS 4 Y 5:

Es una casita de Halloween de Galleta que hicimos R y yo. Ya venden las partes hechas y uno la arma y la decora. Me encantó hacerlo hoy con R.

FOTO # 6:

Es otro pantaloncito de lana que tengo cortado, pero de un patrón diferente a ver como me sale... Osea que de un solo sueter XL me salieron dos pantaloncitos largos! Yupi !

Sunday, October 11, 2009


And what kind of a blogger would I be if I didn't show you the finish product being worn by the handsome model?

Estos son unos pantoncitos que estoy haciendo para Ian. Son hechos de sweaters de lana de oveja o the otros pantaloncitos tejidos. Son para el invierno. Sirven de doble propósito de pantalones y de covertores de pañales. Los cafés los hice de las mangas de un suéter de lana, de unos suéteres usados que compre en Good Will. Lucre, si me vieras... creo que estarías orgullosa de mí... No puedo creer que estoy cociendo... je je

And for your entertainment, this is "a first" caught on video.... Baby's first time eating a lemon popsicle...

Y para su entretenimiento, la primera vez comiendo helado de limón grabada en video...