Last monday I officially became a citizen. My daughter Luz Mariel and I went together to the ceremony. I feel very proud of becoming an American Citizen and I pray that God will keep this country close to him; just like it was intended by the founders of this country. "One Nation, under GOD, indivisible, with Liberty (of religion), and JUSTICE for ALL." God bless America!
El lunes pasado me convertí oficialmente en ciudadana americana. Mi hija Luz Mariel me acompañó a la ceremonia oficial. Me siento muy orgullosa de ser ciudadana americana y le pido a Dios que mantenga a este país cerca de su corazón, tal y como fue el plan de los peregrinos que fundaron este país para poder ejercer su religión cristiana sin ser perseguidos. Como dice el juramento a la bandera: Una Nación, bajo Dios, indivisible, con libertad y justicia para TODOS. Dios bendiga a America!
Congratulations on becoming an American citizen! I'm glad you tried the magic loop, I love it. I have not tried the two circs method yet. Merry Christmas!
Congratulations on becoming an American citizen! You are a wonderful example for your daughter.
Merry Christmas to you and your family.
Congratulations on your becoming an American citizen.
Congratulations! May God bless you mightily in all you set your hand to do.
Because of Christ,
THANK YOU GUYS !!! It is a big honor to me to have achieved this goal !
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