Many things had happen during this time I haven't post. Among others, I finished Margery, my first Elsebeth Lavold design. I love Elsebeth and collect her books but I have never done any of her designs until now. I must say this sweater was a delight to knit. The rather thin wool/silk yarn knits up rather quickly. I was also surprised of the great yardage of the silky wool skeins. This project only took a little over 6 balls, although the pattern calls for 6 balls exactly. I used quite a bit of the seventh ball. It is all ready to get assembled and I can't wait to wear it. There is a matching skirt in the same book that I plan to knit as well since I still have 3 1/2 balls of yarn left. I love the color I chose it is called "Lava" and it is a pretty plum color.
Durante este tiempo que no habia vuelto a escribir muchas cosas han pasado. Entre otras cosas termine Margery, un diseno de la disenadora sueca Elsebeth Lavold. Yo siempre he coleccionado sus libros pero esta es la primera vez que tejo algo de ella. Me encanto porque se teje rapido a pesar de que la lana (combinacion de lana de oveja y seda), es mas bien delgada. Tambien me sorprendio cuanto rinden las bolas de SILKY WOOL ya que solo me tomo un poco mas de 6 bolas aunque el patron dice que con 6 alcanza. Yo si use un poco mas de 6. El mismo libro trae una enagua que tambien la pienso hacer en el mismo color para hacer el juego. Me encanta el color que escogi, se llama "lava" y es un lindo tono de morado.
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