My old car was 10 years old and it was costing too much money in repairs. God open the door for us to buy a new car and this is what we chose. It is a dark olive green.
We also got a new puppy. I can't believe how many petitions have been answered in the last couple of weeks... The poppy is something Rachel has been praying for but we did not have the money for that yet, we had other priorities. But yesterday a guy was walking him in front of our house while James was outside with Rachel and she immediately felt in love with it. The guys said he was looking for a home for the puppy, so we kept him. Yes! it came to our door! Isn't that amazing how God answers prayers? I will post a picture of the poppy later today.
Este es mi nuevo bebé, es un Honda Pilot 2007. Qué super carro! Me encanta! Mi carro anterior tenía 10 años y ya nos costaba más mantenerlo que hacer los pagos de un carro nuevo. Dios abrió la puerta para comprar un carro nuevo y escogimos este por las revisiones tan buenas que tenía. El color es verde oliva.
También tenemos un perrito. Rachel ha estado orando por un perrito pero no lo habíamos podido comprar porque teníamos otras prioridades. Un muchacho lo estaba paseando en frente de la casa cuando James y Rachel estaban afuera y nos lo ofreció, entonces nos lo dejamos. Es increible como Dios contesta las oraciones. Ahorita pongo una foto del perrito.
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