My new toy
This is my finished sock. As you can see, the leg is not too long. This is because I was afraid the yarn was not going to be enough for the other sock. The foot is quite wide (about 10 1/2 inches), so I had to calculate a small leg, and did not cast off, until I make sure there is enough yarn to finish a second sock. Now, the only way to really know this is by weighting what's left in the ball to make sure that I have 50 gr of yarn left. So, my sweetheart got me a small digital scale on Ebay for only $23. I love it! It works great and takes very little space. As I was now able to weight the yarn, I was surpriced to learn that the left over was 48 grams with the toe already done, so I think I have a good chance to finish the second sock with no problem. Here is the scale that I got, the brand is Scali. I was trying to locate the seller on Ebay to post the link but I was not able to. I remember that he had it in different colors including red, blue, white, etc. Mine is kind of silver.
En la foto se ve la primera media terminada. No pude cerrarla porque no se si voy a tener suficiente lana para la segunda media, la unica forma de averiguarlo es pesando lo que queda de la bola para ver si tengo exactamente la mitad. Si la bola era de 100 gramos debo tener al menos 50 gramos en lo que queda para garantizarme que tendré suficiente para terminar la segunda media. Por eso tuve mi esposito me regaló esta pequeña váscula. La encontré en Ebay por solo $23.My next purchase will be a yarn swift and a ball winder which I have been wanting for a long time. I am trying really hard to stay away from yarn purchases to decrease my stash (currently worth $3000). Yes! I don't think I need more yarn! What I need is more knitting time! However, I do want to buy some tools and some more metal circular needles, this time from
Mi siguiente adquisición será una sombrilla y un arrollador de lana ya que aunque no necesito lana, si me hacen falta algunos utensilios importantes como estos y tal vez unas agujas circulares de metal que pienso comprar en
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