I am making this tube scarf for a last minute present. It takes two balls of LION BRAND Landscape (I am using a different shade though). This is my first time working with this yarn and I love it! It is very spongy and elastic. Perfect to make really warm winter items. I was able to knit up half of the scarf (1 ball) in about 2 hours, so I am hoping I can finish it tomorrow to be able to mail it to the recipient. I am not going to say who it is for to keep the suspense, all I am going to say is that it is for a person that I love dearly and that I haven't been able to knit anything for before. In fact, this is the only X-Mas present that I actually made this year due to the terrible period of knitting-vacation/laziness that overcame me at the beginning of the pregnancy. I love this project because it is soooo easy and it knits up in a snap. I highly recommend it as a last minute present, that is, if you resist the temptation to keep it for yourself. Pattern is free at: http://cache.lionbrand.com/patterns/kls-tubeScarf.html?noImages=
Esta es una bufanda tubo que empecé ayer. Se lleva dos bolas de Lion Brand Landscapes, ya use una osea que en un día hice la mitad. Es el único regalo de Navidad que tejí este año pues estuve super vaga desde que empecé con el embarazo. Espero terminarla mañana para enviarla por correo. Es un proyecto muy fácil y me encanta la lana ya que es gruesa y esponjada y se teje rápido. El acabado final también es muy lindo . El patrón se obtiene gratis en :
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