Hello everyone, just a quick note to let you know that Michael's has a yarn sale. Everything is 30% off. I got some amazing yarns and saved up a lot of money. I had some projects in mind that I wanted to get yarn for but have been waiting for a sale like this. Mainly, I got Patons yarns, Shetland Chunky for a couple of sweaters I have in mind and some Patons Grace for some baby items I want to knit. Patons Grace is a great substitute for baby yarns that knit at 25 st/4 inches, such as Rowan Glace Cotton and Debbie Bliss Baby Cashmerino.
Of course I have been doing a lot of thinking and since I am having my baby in April, I decided I am not going to make baby sweaters since my baby is going to be born right before the summer and I am sure he won't get to use any. So, I am going to make booties and cottons pants basically. By the next winter I don't even have a clue of how big he will be (some babies were 18 month clothes at 6 months...) so I wouldn't even be able to tell how big to make a sweater at this point. My guess is that a size 12-18 will for sure fit by then, but right now I just want to concentrate in cotton items that are practical for the spring and summer time.
Here is what I have in mind to start with:

Aren't these adorable?