This is baby Ian in the womb at six months. Of course is not as clear as a picture but I am still amaze at the 3D ultrasound technology. You can see his nose and his left eye. Right in front of his mouth is the umbilical cord and hugging the umbilical cord is his chubby little hand. The fuzzy parts around him is the placenta.
Este es el bebé a los seis meses dentro del vientre. Claro que no es tan claro como una foto pero aun así me parece maravillosa la tecnología del ultrasonido de tercera dimension. Se ve claramente la cabecita del bebé como de lado, la nariz y el ojito izquierdo. En frente de la boquita está el cordón umbilical y abrazando el cordón umbilical se ve la manita derecha. Las partes borrozas alrededor son la placenta.
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