Last Sunday we celebrated R's 8th birthday at John's Incredible Pizza. We had a great time! I was very mad because none of the pictures came out right. This one is also blurry and believe it or not it was the best one. R had cut her hair the day before all by herself and without asking permission of course. I fricked out at first but then realized she looked great! I could not believe what a great job she did! I did trimmed a few hairs that were sticking out but for the most part she did everything. She looked so grown up with her beautiful dress and her new haircut. I am going to have to dress her up again and take her another picture!
El domingo pasado le celebramos el 8vo cumpleaños a R en una pizzería para niños. La pasamos super bien! Estoy bravísima porque ninguna de las fotos me salió bien. Todas quedaron movidas. Aunque no lo crean esta era la mejor. El día anterior la bandida se había cortado todo el pelo a escondidas. A mí casi me da un soponcio cuando la ví, pero ya luego me di cuenta de que se veía preciosa y le había quedado super bien! Yo solo se lo emparejé un poquitito y la peiné. Se veía preciosa con su vestido nuevo y su corte de pelo. Voy a tener que alistarla otra vez para tomarle una mejor foto.
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