Monday, January 26, 2009

Obama depression...

I am so depressed to see what Barack Obama is doing in just a few days in power... He is really power crazy, turning around all conservative regulations without hesitation and without seeking advice. With the stroke of a pen he legalized abortion by removing the baby's brain with scissors (with no anesthesia of course), closed GIMO without a having a plan of how to do it, limited the questioning of terrorists to name and serial number, signed a law that will force people to buy only hybrid cars, etc. The guy is truly out of control! He did not consult with major Economists on his so called "stimulus package" for the economy. He is just is just forcing into all of us his liberal agenda whether we like it or not. It would have been nice that he met with doctors to find out more about the procedure of abortion during the last trimester (which by the way is against the law even in most liberal European countries) before making a decision on that issue. I would have really appreciated if at least he had met with the auto makers and evaluated the consequences of placing more unnecessary requirements on the allready struggling auto industry. Ah! and wouldn't it have been wise to create a forum with the most brilliant minds in Economy from all universities in the country before pushing forward with a government spending plan created by politicians that don't know crap about Economy but that are ready pocket money from such plan?.

This guy is all about creating a perfect world, in his own view. He is governing for himself not for all Americans, he is governing driven by ideology not common sense, and the worst of all is that he is not taking advice from anyone... specially the experts in each matter. The fact that he is acting so hasty really scares me...

This is depressing me so much I have decided not to watch the news for at least a week. I feel sick of my stomach... What the heck is wrong with the people of this country?! that not only elected him but go along with anything he says even if it sounds crazy? and why? just because he is cool? just because he is Afro-american?  Give me a brake! I just can't take it anymore, I can't believe there are still 4 more years of this to come...

We really have to pray for this country! May God help us all!      

Saturday, January 24, 2009

9 months

I love naked baby pictures... makes me what to bite those chubby legs... I hope nobody is offended or consider it to be inappropriate. I just simply love them! Here are a couple. 

Ian has been achieving all kinds of benchmarks:
- He learned to drink from a cup at 7 or 8 months
- He started crawling at 7 months
- Now he just learned to stand up by grabbing furniture (but does not know what to do next and eventually lets go causing him to fall back... ouch!)
- Just the other day he grabbed the spoon that I was using to feed him apple sauce and attempted to feed himself. (it was so cute!) 
- Whenever we imitate his babbling he starts babbling really loud da-da-da-da-ma (it is so so cute!)
- Also this month he started to take my glasses and then tries to put them back on me...
- Kindly offers to share his pacifier with us... :-))
- He loves watching sister play.
- He loves to watch his "Your baby can read" videos.
- He loves taking baths.
- He has 2 lower teeth and the two upper front are about to come out!
- About a week ago he attempted to wave good-by back at daddy.

Wow! I should keep writing this daily so I don't forget. Things happen so quickly it is easy to loose track of time. 

Me encantan las fotos de bebes desnudos, se ven tan lindos! Espero que nadie se ofenda por estas fotos pero a mi me encantan!

Ian ha estado aprendiendo muchas cosas en las ultimos 3 meses:
- A los 7 - 8 meses aprendio a gatear y a beber del vaso
- Acaba de aprender a pararse agarrandose de los muebles, lo malo es que despues no sabe que hacer y se suelta y se cae para atras... auch!
- El otro dia agarro la cuchara con la que estaba dando de comer Gerber y trato de comer el solito, se metio la cuchara en la boca una y otra vez, de lo mas lindo!
- Cuando lo imitamos el empieza a balbucear "da-da-da-da-ma..."
- Me quita los anteojos y luego me los trata de poner...
- Se quita la cupeta y nos la ofrece...
- Le encanta ver a la hermanita jugando
- Le encantan los videos de "tu bebe puede leer".
- Le encantan los banos de tina.
- Ya tiene dos dientes abajo y estan por salirle los dos de arriba.
- Hace como una semana trato de decirle adios al papa con la manita.

Wow! Que monton de cosas! Tengo que escribir todo esto dia a dia para que no se me olviden, el tiempo se pasa volando y crecen tan rapido!

Friday, January 16, 2009

New Years Resolutions

<click on the comic strip to enlarge>

I thought I would share my new years resolutions even though I am not a fan of such, just for fun.
1- Read the bible more
2- Lose 20 ponds
3- Knit more
4- Eat better
5- Cook more

We will see what happens...

Aunque no tomo muy enserio las resoluciones de Año Nuevo decidí compartir algunas de las mías:
1- Leer más la Biblia
2- Perder 20 libras
3- Tejer más
4- Comer mejor
5- Cocinar más

Veremos que pasa...

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

New knitting gadget... Un nuevo implemento para tejer

Here is my new knitting gadget. It is a hands free light I plan to use in long trips in the car. It always bothers me when I am driving in the car and can't knit once the sunlight is gone. I can also use it when my family is watching a movie and don't want me to turn on the light or when the baby is sleeping and I don't want to disturb him by turning on the lamp. I will let you guys know how does it work when I use it. 

I purchased it at just type "hands free light" in the search box.

Este es mi nuevo implemento para tejer. Es una luz para la oreja para poder tejer en la oscuridad. Pienso usarlo en el carro y también en la casa para poder tejer cuando el bebé está dormido sin tener que encender la luz. Que fiebre la mía!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Best friends are one of the biggest blessings...

My best friend came to visit. We went on vacation and had a marvelous time. We have been friends for about 15 years. Our lives had been bounded by God, I truly believe that. Here are some of the things we have in common:
- Met at a small church in Costa Rica 15 years ago.
- Both of us were single mothers when we met.
- Our children were about the same age.
- We ourselves are the same age. 
- We got married years later and came to the US with our husband.

Coincidence? There is no such a thing when you believe in Jesus. When your life is in God's hands... I feel blessed to have such a close friend for such a long time. I hope we continue to be friends until we go to be with the Lord. Not a lot of people can experience a blessing like this. 

Thank you Jesus!

Mi mejor amiga vino a visitarme. Nos conocimos en Costa Rica hace 15 anos. Tenemos mucho en comun: la misma edad, las dos eramos madres solteras cuando nos conocimos, las dos nos casamos anos despues y vinimos a los E.U. con nuestros maridos, nuestros hijos mayores son de la misma edad, etc...  Coincidencia? No lo creo. Cuando tu vida esta en las manos de Dios no existen las coincidencias. Ella es realmente un regalo de Dios para mi vida. Gracias Senor!