I love naked baby pictures... makes me what to bite those chubby legs... I hope nobody is offended or consider it to be inappropriate. I just simply love them! Here are a couple.
Ian has been achieving all kinds of benchmarks:
- He learned to drink from a cup at 7 or 8 months
- He started crawling at 7 months
- Now he just learned to stand up by grabbing furniture (but does not know what to do next and eventually lets go causing him to fall back... ouch!)
- Just the other day he grabbed the spoon that I was using to feed him apple sauce and attempted to feed himself. (it was so cute!)
- Whenever we imitate his babbling he starts babbling really loud da-da-da-da-ma (it is so so cute!)
- Also this month he started to take my glasses and then tries to put them back on me...
- Kindly offers to share his pacifier with us... :-))
- He loves watching sister play.
- He loves to watch his "Your baby can read" videos.
- He loves taking baths.
- He has 2 lower teeth and the two upper front are about to come out!
- About a week ago he attempted to wave good-by back at daddy.
Wow! I should keep writing this daily so I don't forget. Things happen so quickly it is easy to loose track of time.
Me encantan las fotos de bebes desnudos, se ven tan lindos! Espero que nadie se ofenda por estas fotos pero a mi me encantan!
Ian ha estado aprendiendo muchas cosas en las ultimos 3 meses:
- A los 7 - 8 meses aprendio a gatear y a beber del vaso
- Acaba de aprender a pararse agarrandose de los muebles, lo malo es que despues no sabe que hacer y se suelta y se cae para atras... auch!
- El otro dia agarro la cuchara con la que estaba dando de comer Gerber y trato de comer el solito, se metio la cuchara en la boca una y otra vez, de lo mas lindo!
- Cuando lo imitamos el empieza a balbucear "da-da-da-da-ma..."
- Me quita los anteojos y luego me los trata de poner...
- Se quita la cupeta y nos la ofrece...
- Le encanta ver a la hermanita jugando
- Le encantan los videos de "tu bebe puede leer".
- Le encantan los banos de tina.
- Ya tiene dos dientes abajo y estan por salirle los dos de arriba.
- Hace como una semana trato de decirle adios al papa con la manita.
Wow! Que monton de cosas! Tengo que escribir todo esto dia a dia para que no se me olviden, el tiempo se pasa volando y crecen tan rapido!