Here is my new knitting gadget. It is a hands free light I plan to use in long trips in the car. It always bothers me when I am driving in the car and can't knit once the sunlight is gone. I can also use it when my family is watching a movie and don't want me to turn on the light or when the baby is sleeping and I don't want to disturb him by turning on the lamp. I will let you guys know how does it work when I use it.
I purchased it at target.com just type "hands free light" in the search box.
Este es mi nuevo implemento para tejer. Es una luz para la oreja para poder tejer en la oscuridad. Pienso usarlo en el carro y también en la casa para poder tejer cuando el bebé está dormido sin tener que encender la luz. Que fiebre la mía!
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