Well as I said in my comments to the last post, I found a great midwife in a city nearby. It was a little hard to get in with her at 34 weeks. But thanks God, she agreed.
It was also a bit hard to depart from my doctor at a last minute as we had already build a good relationship and I was used to him, etc. But I just knew that if I did not do it I, would regret it. He pretty much ignored my birth plan and refused to discuss it in detail, so what could I expect? He was probably been agreedable enough to get rid of me and then when show time would come, he would just do whatever the heck he wanted with me at the hospital. He knows ones I am in labor I am not going to have the time, or energy to go over my options, right? So the old trick of "just bring your birth plan to the hospital" and the "I don't need a copy" comments really stroke a bad feeling on me. Don't get me wrong, this is an awesome doctor, he took good care of me during the prenatal stage. He was very careful to monitor the baby's growth when he found out our umbilical cord only had one artery, etc. The problem was he was not willing to share the decision making power with me during my delivery and that was a big issue for me.
With your first baby, you are totally clue less. With the second you are hessitant of some interventions, but with the third, you know exactly what you want and how do you want it, and I wasn't going to let go on my last chance to have a birth my way.

And yes, I did rent the movie that both of you guys in the comments sugested: THE BUSINESS OF BEING BORN (available in Netflex.com). What an amazing documentary! No one should have a baby without looking at this video first. It is truly eye opening. It gave me great reasurance that I am doing the right thing at looking for a good midwife.
Bueno, la cita con el doctor no fue muy bien que digamos, el no tenía muchas intenciones de respetar mis deseos a la hora del parto, asi que me conseguí una excelente partera. Gracias a Dios me recibió a pesar de estar tan cerca de mi fecha. Ella tiene una actitud muy distinta a la del doctor en relación a mis preferencias.Como por ejemplo poder dar a luz agachada de cuatro patas, en la tina con agua tibia, de lado, etc. No le pareció que nada de lo que yo pedía fuera extraño, al contrario. Su actitud fue muy positiva. Así que aunque tenga que manejar una hora cuando me comiencen los dolores, para allá voy. También vi la película EL NEGOCIO DE NACER, que no ha salido solo está disponible en Netflex.com. Toda persona que este embarazada debería de ver este documental antes de tener su bebé y hablar con su médico sobre las diferentes opciones. Realmente los partos en la actualidad están diseñados para la comodidad de los doctores y no de las pacientes. No hay que dejar que le roben a uno la oportunidad de dar a luz en forma natural y en la posición que sea menos dolorosa para uno. El médico debe respetar los deseos de la mujer.
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