Well, today I was sure in the morning I was leaving to the hospital. I had contractions all night every 7 min. I took a shower and got ready, after discover my mucous plug was gone... Then around 9:30 a.m. took a nap, and the contractions started to fade. So, a little bid dissapointed, I had to change the plans for the day again. I rested and then went for a walk. The contractions come and go and I am having sort of like an energy spurt, which I think might be "the nesting". The good thing is that I am having time for some last minute arrangements, including buying a bag of goodies to take to the hospital, my MP3 player is now ready with my favorite music and I put together a wonderful knitting baggy.
I went to Joann's yesterday to walk around and try to get my contractions going. I saw this bag and since it was on sale I could not resist it.

It is the most perfect small project knitting bag. It has so many zippers and compartments... I put my circular knitting needles in one zipper each, my ball of yarn in the middle and the pattern in the outer zipper. It is so perfect! Oh! there is even a zipper for my MP3 player! how cool is that. The bag is small enough to be very portable but roomy enough to fit everything you need including a gauge ruler, zissors, etc. It is the size of a page folded in half. Of course, this will be my fun bag to carry not only to the hospital but everywere after that. I am even thinking it might be able to hold a diaper or two.. HA HA HA
Bueno, creí que a estas horas ya iva a tener bebé pero por lo visto no. Ya me salió el tapón de protección pero las contracciones no han progresado lo suficiente como para irme para el hospital. Así que aquí estoy haciendo unos arreglos de último minuto, preparando unas cositas de comer para llevarme al hospital, poniendo mi música favorita en mi MP3 player y preparante esta bolsita que ven en la foto con cosas de tejer. La vi ayer en Joann's y no pude resister comprarla ya que estaba en oferta. Me fascina! le cabe de todo y solo mide el tamaño de una hoja doblada a la mitad. Puse mi patrón en un zipper, mis agujas circulares en los otros zipper de adentro y la bola de lana en el medio. También hay un compartimiento perfecto para el MP3. Me quedó perfecta!
The pattern I got in the bag is for a soaker. Since I am going to be using cloth diapers I wanted to start a soaker as soon as possible. Even though there are free patterns for soackers on the internet, I decided to go with a purchased one that seemed to be very reliable. It can be purchased here.Este es el patrón que heché en mi bolsita de tejer, es para hacer calzoncitos de lana. Estos se ponen sobre el pañal para que no pase la humedad. El patrón se consigue aquí. I have another project on the needles that is half way through. It is from Debbie Bliss and it is called "Florence". Here modelled by a baby girl, I think it would look great on a boy as well.
También estoy trabajando en este overallcito. Es de Debbie Bliss y se llama "Florence". Aunque aquí lo lleva puesto una chiquita creo que también se vería perfecto en un varoncito. Ya terminé la parte de atrás y tengo que comenzar con el frente pero creo que primero voy a hacer un par de calzoncitos impermeables de lana ya que los voy a necesitar muchísimo.
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