Thursday, May 23, 2013

Hallet's Ledge Neck and button bands

I worked yesterday on the neck of the Hallet's Ledge. I wanted it to be nice and round so I did a K2 x P3 rib for an inch or so and then decrease on RS on the purl sections Purling 2 together across, then did 2 x 2 rib for one row and bind off. It made for a rounded and snug neck. I like it. 

Ayer trabajé en el cuello del sueter Hallet's Ledge. Quería que me quedara bien redondito entonces recogí las puntada elástica de 2 x 3, tejí por una pulgada y luego reduje la parte con 3 puntadas a dos a través de todo el cuello, eso hizo que se recogiera y tomara forma redonda como yo quería. 

Then I worked on the button band. First I did the left side and sew in the buttons I made last Sunday.
They look great!
I noticed it was pulling up at the bottom. I forgot to do a K3 in that area to allow the last row to curl and still have 2 stitches. It was bothering me so, with the same tail from the cast off I did 2 rows of single crochet back and forth. Voila! Problem solved! This is what it looks like now...

Luego hice la banda de los botones y coci los botones que había hecho el domingo. Se ven lindos! Me di cuenta que la banda se subía en la parte de abajo, entonces con una aguja de croché hice dos filas de puntada sencilla y problema resuelto! Así quedó!

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