I have been working on my "Hourglass" socks. I finished one and I am working on the second one.
This is a difficult pattern because it combines lace and twisted stitches, and because in order to execute the pattern, sometimes you have to move stitches from one needle to the other.
I don't think I have worked a harder pattern on a sock before. It will not be a problem if you are an experienced knitter, but if you are just starting to knit socks, this will be a frustrating pattern.
I need to fix the toe on the first sock. I don't like pointy toes.
He estado trabajando en estas medias anaranjadas. Es un patrón bastante complicado. No lo recomendaría para alguien que está empezando a tejer medias. El patrón combina puntadas torcidas con encaje y requiere mover puntadas de una aguja a la otra. Es bastante dificil. Tengo que arreglar los dedos de la primera media porque me quedaron muy puntudos...
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