Here it is finally, my fully fashioned ribbed sweater from Classic Elite TWEED 2. I have so many complaints about this design, like I said before. I should've known since I saw the picture in the pattern book of the model hidding her arms in the back... that the fitting is not very good. I wish they should've pull the fabric a little (since the ribbed stitch is elastic) to get the gauge, in that way the body would have been a little bit more fit, closer to the body. My biggest problem with the fitting is that the sleaves barely fit in the armhole. I literally had to sew 3 or 4 stiches in the body per each couple of links in the armhole. The result, the armhole is tight, while the rest of the sweater is loose, wuk! Not very femenine. Besides that, the neckband, like I predicted, is going to need to be folded in a corner shape in the join between the front and the back. I plan to do this with a sewing machine and then, cut it !!! Yes! cut the excess. I am also very tempted to shape the sweater more in the waist using the same method. This sweater is not worth the effort. The conception is good but the designer failed to accomodate the sleeves properly in the armholes, the instructions for the neckband are incomplete, the cable openning instructions in the V neck are wrong, and the fitting of the sweater is too loose considering that you are using an elastic stitch.
Este es mi suerter de Classic Elite Tweed 2 ya terminado. Tuve muchos problemas con este patrón y por eso no les recomiendo tejer este modelo. El sueter queda muy suelto, pero las bocamangas son muy apretadas, lo que hace ver el sueter un poco raro. Además hay que coser a máquina las esquinas en la parte trasera del cuello para que tome forma y las instrucciones de la trenza que se habre al frente en el cuello están equivocadas. Yo planeo tratar de arreglarlo con una máquina de coser y luego cortarlo!!! Sí cortarlo! El concepto del sueter es bonito pero el diseño no está bien hecho y el suerter no queda bien. Con razón en la foto la modelo estaba escondiendo las manos atrás para entallar el sueter un poco y evitar mostrar las mangas. No vale la pena tanto trabajo, no recomiendo este patrón.
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