Saturday, March 28, 2009

Socks finished! / Terminé las medias de papi

by Whimsical Kniting Designs

Yarn: Schachenmayer Cotton
Yarn source: Elann
Started: 9/16/2008
Finished: 3/28/2009

It only took 7 months... wow! I finally finished my dad's socks. I am a bit upset that I had so much yarn left over because I would have love to make the leg longer. In fact I am not even sure my dad would wear socks this short. He is kind of picky. But that is the problem when knit socks cuff-down, it is almost impossible to guess how long can you make the leg with exactly half the amount of yarn you have. I did calculate a big margin because I wanted to make sure I was able to finish the second sock and I did not wanted to risk it. I think I could have made the leg at least 1" or 2 " longer. Oh well, I just hope my dad likes them!

Solo me tomó 7 meses terminar estas medias... wow! Por fin las terminé. Estoy un poco molesta de que me sobró bastante lana. Hice las medias cortas de pierna por miedo a que no me alcanzara y al final mas bien me sobró... pero bueno, mejor que sobre y no que falte. Lo importante es que a papi le gusten y que las use. No se si le vayan a gustar tan cortas, ojalá que sí. Escogí esta lana porque es fresca (de algodón) y además los colores son perfectos para usar con jeans que es lo que a él mas le gusta usar. 

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Lula is almost ready... / Ya casi está lista Lula

I am so socked that R is loving this doll so much. She helped me stuff it and now I am working on her underwear. As soon as I wake up, R comes and ask me to start working on the doll project. Wow! talking about pressure... Kids really know how to bug you when they want something... On the other hand I love the fact that she is so exited. It is so nice to work when you know you have such an enthusiastic recipient.

No puedo creer que R esté tan emocionada con esta muñeca. Ella me ayudó a rellenarla y no me deja en paz para que la termine. Que jefa mas exigente! Por otro lado me gusta que esté tan emocionada porque me motiva a terminarle su muñeca.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Why do I use Xylitol - Por qué uso Xylitol?

Martha was asking me what is Xylitol? Xylitol is a natural occurring sugar substitute. It is not 100% sugar free, but almost. It has only 3 calories or so. So it is considered a safe alternative for diabetics. I like it because it looks like sugar and tastes like sugar WITHOUT any after taste or chemical toxic ingredients. There is also STEVIA, which comes from a plant in South America, also natural but it has a big bitter aftertaste is don't use the exact amount. It is really hard to calculate how much to use because it is SUPER concentrated. The good side of that is that it lasts a long time. I use Stevia only for my lemonade. It works great on sour drinks and it saves my Xylitol which is expensive. You just have to google "what is Xylitol" and there are tons of info on the net. Both Xylitol and Stevia can be purchased at any Health Foods Store.

Now, the reason you should not use SPLENDA is because it is a chemically modified sugar. 
It contains CLORINE which is proven carcinogen. You can google "Why is Splenda bad" and you will get plenty of hits with information explaining how bad it is. In fact, it looks like it even causes to increase your appetite which is a real bad think if you are taking it to loose weight. 

After many bad experiences in life, too sad and personal to share, I have learned that not everything that is FDA approve is safe and not everything doctors recommend is safe (doctors are trained to give you drugs, all drugs have dangerous side effects that hardly ever discussed with patients), that is why I don't follow the crowds anymore. Research, research and research, that is my mantra! When it comes to my body or my kids health I have the last word, and I have the POWER to make my own decisions. 

That philosophy has turn me into sort of a social-rebel, questioning everything I am told to do. Always looking into all possible options rather than assuming that I have to do what everyone else does. That is why I:
  • Homeschool
  • Don't vaccinate my kids
  • Use cloth diapers
  • Breastfeed
  • Try not to use any drugs unless it is a last resource and there is no natural alternative.
  • Stay home to rise my kids instead of putting them in daycare which we achieve this by adjusting our lifestyle to meet our family's priorities rather than all the way around. 
  • Believe in natural birth 100%
  • Etc, etc, etc
In summary all my lifestyle is based on the premise that I don't have to follow the crowd, that I have choices and the power to make those choices. 

So Martha I just want to encourage you today to do the same. It is good to seek medical advice and advice from people but ultimately you are the only one that is going to have to live with your decisions, some of them with lifelong consequences, so be your own doctor, your own teacher, your own everything, learning from everything and praying about everything. Listen to your heart, sometimes a doctor will tell us to do something and our guts (God) is crying "No! Don't do it". Listen to the little voices inside of you, your maternal instinct knows best, the Holly Spirit inside of you will always guide you if you are willing to listen. The rest is just about educating yourself. Now with technology, anything you want to know is at the tip of a mouse click! and I think God will be proud of us for being wise while living in this very deceiving world. 

I am not saying doctors are bad, I am just saying they are (or should be) your health partners, they work for you, not the other way around. Unfortunately they were trained to prescribe drugs not to heal you. That is why you have to be involved in the decision making process about your health. Also, I am not saying everybody should make the same choices I make, but everybody should make their own INFORMED choices. 

Martha you can email me privately anytime you want at marlen_perez AT hotmail DOT com.
Take care!

No se si todos saben pero Splenda contiene ingredientes cancerígenos por eso uso un substituto natural del azucar llamado Xylitol. No se si en CR se consiga. Es una de esas cosas diferentes que hago luego de investigar en el internet. Creo que me he convertido en una revelde social, ya que todo lo cuestiono e investigo en el internet. Por eso les animo a todos a buscar alternativas y nunca seguir a las masas. Escuchar a tu instinto y sobre todo al Espíritu Sto dentro de tí ya que vivimos en un Mundo muy engañoso. 


Thursday, March 19, 2009

Baby is 11 months today! / Feliz cumple-mes bebé!

Baby was very cranky today. He is celebrating his 11 month by teething like crazy. We went to the park and had good time but it was not one of his best days at all...

Hoy el bebé cumple 11 meses. No la ha pasado muy bien que digamos (como pueden ver en el video). Le están saliendo 4 dientes en la parte de arriba. Ya tiene 2 y le duelen cualquier cantidad. Pobrecito! No lo calienta ni el sol...

Ahora camina agarrado de la pared y los muebles y está muy activo y lindo! Feliz Cumple-mes bebé!

St Patrick's Day Pics / Fotos del Dia de San Patricio

We love Saint Patrick's Day, my husband is Irish descendant and now it is even more special because both the baby and I have Patrick and Patricia for our middle name. My husband was still feeling sick so he stayed home and we went to eat out to celebrate.

Nos encanta celebrar el Dia de San Patricio. San Patricio es un Santo al que se le atribuye la conversión al cristianismo del país de Irlanda. Por eso se celebra llevando prendas de vestir verdes (como la bandera irlandesa), tréboles y nomos. 

Ahora es aun más especial porque el segundo nombre del bebé y el mío es Patricio y Patricia respectivamente. La camiseta del bebé dice: "Bésame! Soy irlandés!"

Mi esposo no fue a trabajar porque todavía se sentía enfermo así que fuimos todos a comer afuera para celebrar. 

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Easy Soaker / Cubierta de lana facil de hacer

I saw this soaker in an Etsy store. It looks so easy! I think it is just a rectangle knit in rib or mistake stitch. I am itching to make a soaker. I have different patterns but when I saw this one, I thought I must at least give it a try just because it looks so easy. I can totally make it even without pattern. But fist I have to finish R's doll and my dad's socks.

Vi esta cubierta de lana en una tienda del internet de cosas hechas a mano (Etsy), y pensé wow! esto es tan fácil de hacer, me muero por hacerle varias cubiertas de lana a bebé. La lana respira permitiendo el flujo de aire dentro del pañal y es fresca durante el verano y caliente en el invierno. Pero primero tengo que terminar la muñeca de R y las medias de papi.

Monday, March 09, 2009

What a week!

We were all sick at home this past week, we are still getting over it. My husband stayed home several days. When you home school your kids are kind of protected from the "school plagues" as children recycle viruses over and over... Except that when daddy is a teacher that advantage kind of goes away... He becomes the virus spy infiltrating our holly home school environment... oh well, there is not much we can do about that so we try to handle it the best we can, usually we take turns getting sick so that helps. The bad thing is that last week we were all sick at the same time and it was hard to get a brake, we needed to take care of each other and the children. Oh my! there is only one thing worst that having a nursing baby unable to feed with a stuffy nose and that is, having to take care of a sick baby when you are really sick yourself! Not fun!

The top picture is a plate of chicken soup I made today. I love to put avocado in my soup. I just love avocados. I would eat them every day if they weren't so expensive... This is one of those flavors combinations I learned growing up and I crave it so much, my dad used to put avocado in his soup and that is how I started doing it. I love to put it in my hot soup right before starting to eat. The cold avocado and its texture creates a great contracts in your mouth with the hot soup. Another estrange flavor combination I love is to put black beans in my spaghetti. This is also a growing up thing as we eat rice, black beans and spaghetti together in my country.
Another weird combination that I love is to put fruit in my salad, I learned this here when I saw people putting cranberries and nuts in their salad. I however, took it a step further and tried oranges, peaches, strawberries and nectarines. I really love the sweet and sour result in my mouth. What do you eat that you think might be gross or estrange to others?

Me encanta ponerle aguacate a la sopa (eso lo aprendí de mi papá), también el sabor de los frijoles negros con spagetti, (herencia del casado tico), y aquí en los Estados Unidos aprendí a ponerle pasas a la ensalada, incluso he probado poner gajos de naranja, nectarinas y melocotones frescos en pedacitos, sabe riquísimo! Qué cosas te gusta comer que crees que le parescan raras o asquerosas a otros?

Here is my crawling handsome little guy exploring around the house. 

Aquí está mi guapo bebé gateando y esplorando por toda la casa ya casi cumple 11 meses. No lo puedo creer!

Here is my sock progress, my dad's socks are coming along and it looks like I might be able to finish them soon. I am a little surprised of how much yarn I still have. I hope I don't have too much left over because I made the leg really short out of fear of running out.

Aquí están las medias de papi. Parece que al fin las voy a terminar...