Thursday, November 26, 2009

Family Events

Dedication of Baby at the Church

What a blessing it was to present baby in the Church. Pastor M presented the family to the Church and told our story. The whole congregation extended their arms to pray for baby and his upcoming surgery. It was very special.
La dedicación de bebé en la iglesia estuvo muy linda. El Pastor nos presentó a la congregación y todos oraron por nosotros y por la cirugía de bebé.

My Birthday
Mi cumpleaños

Thanksgiving relaxation...

We decided not to do anything today. Baby was still sick and R too... Friends invited us over for dinner but we decided to just rest. It has been an incredibly relaxing day... Hubby took care of the baby most of the day. I slept like a bear and watched English movies and knit. Now this is what I call "vacation". I am so thankful that my husband does not make me cook like a slave in a day like this. He is so kicked back and we feel the same way about holidays like this in the sense that we don't feel we have to follow the crowd. We are both revels! We like to do things our way and just whatever we feel like despite the rest of the world. I love that!

Since my last post something amazing happened. New neighbors moved in the house next door... I was worried about homeschooling R because she didn't have any friends... and just like that, like an answer from God came little A. Our new friend and neighbor. I have never seen two kids that get along so well and have so much in common like R and A do. It amazes me!! Only God could have orchestrated this! Her parents are the nicest people and she is such a good girl. I am in awe!

Here they are in their sleep-over last Friday. They played hide and go seek in the dark, computer games, board games, you name it! They had a blast all day long and in the evening.

They even go together to Awanas on Sundays.

Isn't God amazing? Just in my last post I was expressing how concerned I was and that maybe I would have to stop homeschooling... and now, wow! What an answer! What an amazing way God has to show me that He knows my needs and that He has the power to fulfill them beyond all my expectations! We serve a powerful God!

Esta es A la nueva vecinita y amiguita de R. No puedo creer como Dios contestó a mis oraciones en una manera tan perfecta y eficaz. Nunca he visto dos chiquitas que se llevan tan pero tan bien. Qué grande que es el Dios que servimos, que conoce nuestras necesidades y las suple más allá de nuestras expectativas!!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Home Schooling Doubts

I think that all of us who home school have doubts from time to time. I have been thinking a lot lately about the possibility of putting R back in school next year. My head feels like spinning just to try to sort out the pros and cons of such decision. The only real reason I have to consider it is social in nature.

It is very different for families with several children. Siblings are a great way to socialize... but with R she only has "baby" and there is long ways to go before he can meet her social needs.

I have tried social groups and also play dates but those also have their prons and cons. I find myself tired at times in trying so hard to find play dates with children of similar age and interests to her. I feel tired of always been the one inviting people over but never getting an invitation from anyone else. Each new week represents a challenge as to how and where are we going to find a social opportunity and it is starting to worn me out...

Every time I see my daughter playing by herself and wondering around the house saying something to her self, I can't help to wonder if I am doing the right thing. When she was in school, both public and private, she didn't have like a ton of friends, but God always provided at least one little girl that was happy to play and hangout with her. A best friend.

I don't think I would put her in public school. There are way too many issues to avoid doing that but there happens to be a good option for a private and very small Christian school. The cons would be the driving and extra expense, not only in tuition but also uniforms and gasoline. There is also the big question mark of wether or not I would be able to get used to that routine again. Getting up early, the horrible morning rush, the driving... oh and the oh so hated homework. Oh Lord how much do I despise homework! Whoever invented it should be booed forever...

These are all big questions buzzing inside my head but thankfully I have a long time to make a decision and really think about it, if this is the way the Lord is guiding us, we will need him to come up with the financial resources to do it by then. If this his will, He will open the doors the way He always does. If not, I pray that God helps me to be more creative in finding social opportunities for R and that He provides more good friends for her...

The good thing is that if the Private school doesn't work out, we can always go back to home school in a blink of an eye and this time we will know exactly what to do.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Lots of random stuff / VARIOS

The other day I went to Ride Aid looking for a good liquid vitamin for R since her diet is so restricted, I really wanted to find something strong. I have tried some liquid vitamins but they don't pass the taste test and it is such a fight to get her to drink it. So I found this energy drink and decided to give it a try. Now, I didn't give it to R, I took it myself today. I have been feeling so, so tired lately, and I can't get anything done. Oh my goodness, it was amazing! It kept me going all day with no naps, I have been feeling fantastic and in a great mood, this is amazing specially since I am in those days of the month I am particularly grouchy. My husband says he is buying me a case and he will pay for it! :-)) This one is a keeper. Here is what is in it.
They also have the "Focus and Memory" version, so I will get that one for R.

Changing the subject, once in a while you find a little gadget that really makes a difference in your kitchen. Most of them are luxuri
es. But this little guy is awesome. It has made my life so much better. It is a pan scrubber, it has
a sharp edge that takes out all the stuff in the pan without scratching it and without scrubbing like a maniac. Where had you been all of my life??? I love this thing! It was only a couple of bucks in Bed, Bath and Beyond.

Here is another life saver... My new Mei Tai. This is an answer to my prayers and those of my husband... Lord, have this child play by himself so I can get something done! Lord, I need to do so much stuff and he does not let me do anything... Lord, help my wife have some pride in this house and clean it a little... Well, thanks to my friend Sonia, I found the solution, Mei Tais. This thing is amazing. Baby loves it. He has even fallen asleep on it. I got mine on Ebay for about $20 but they are super easy to make. It is the only way I can get ANYTHING done around here... So, thanks God for Mei Tais. No kidding!

These pictures are from a cute Gingerbread House R and I found at Albertson's. We just couldn't resist it. This is my first Gingerbread House ever! Yes ever! I am not from this country so this is not a tradition I grew up with. We had such a good time today putting it together. Note to self for the future: Do not decorate a Gingerbread House under a light bulb... (cough, cough) it melts... Fortunately, the melted look is perfect in this case because it is a Halloween Gingerbread House. So it makes it look spookier... LOL

The last picture is what I am doing with the left overs of that XL wheat color sweater. I decided I wanted to try a more fitted pattern for the longies. I am using the Katrina soaker pattern and I am going to saw legs to it. I got the idea from the longies I have seen in ETSY. I really liked the soakers I made with this pattern so I want to see what kind of fitting can I get using knitted fabric. I hope it works!

En Español:

FOTO #1: Esta es una bebida energética que prové hoy. Sí funciona, repito Sí funciona. He estado muy baja de energía y esta bebida me mantuvo trabajando sin parar, al punto que aquí estoy blogeando a la media noche y no me siento cansada, limpié la casa, hice comida, le hice el homeschooling a Rachel, fui de compras, hice la casita que se ve en las fotos, y todo con un excelente humor... Y eso que estaba en esos días del mes... Así que ya dijo J que me va a comprar unas cuantas docenas... JA JA JA

FOTO #2:

La segunda foto es de una uña plastica que me encontré para raspar los sartenes. La amo sobre todas las cosas! Se acabo el estar restregando, esto arranca todo, y solo me costo $2. Que fantástica invensión!

FOTO #3:

Es de un MEI TAI. Los Mei Tai fueron la respuesta a mis oraciones porque el bebé no me dejaba hacer absolutamente NADA! Así que lo pongo en el, y no siento ni el peso, ahí lo ando conmigo haciendo mis cosas y al él le encanta! Hasta se queda a veces dormido en el. Me costo $20 en Ebay pero es super fácil de hacer. Es un cuadrado con 4 tiras saliendo de las esquinas, eso es todo... El truco esta en saberlo amarrar correctamente...

FOTOS 4 Y 5:

Es una casita de Halloween de Galleta que hicimos R y yo. Ya venden las partes hechas y uno la arma y la decora. Me encantó hacerlo hoy con R.

FOTO # 6:

Es otro pantaloncito de lana que tengo cortado, pero de un patrón diferente a ver como me sale... Osea que de un solo sueter XL me salieron dos pantaloncitos largos! Yupi !

Sunday, October 11, 2009


And what kind of a blogger would I be if I didn't show you the finish product being worn by the handsome model?

Estos son unos pantoncitos que estoy haciendo para Ian. Son hechos de sweaters de lana de oveja o the otros pantaloncitos tejidos. Son para el invierno. Sirven de doble propósito de pantalones y de covertores de pañales. Los cafés los hice de las mangas de un suéter de lana, de unos suéteres usados que compre en Good Will. Lucre, si me vieras... creo que estarías orgullosa de mí... No puedo creer que estoy cociendo... je je

And for your entertainment, this is "a first" caught on video.... Baby's first time eating a lemon popsicle...

Y para su entretenimiento, la primera vez comiendo helado de limón grabada en video...

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Experimenting with wool interlock

I got the fabric on the mail and threw it in the washer for felting. It did felt quite a bit. The description in the website said it wouldn't felt that much. Well I lost 3" from the wide, and 8" from the length! That is a lot! Especially if you are paying about 80 cents per inch! This was my second experiment. These shorties that I got from Ebay are good but the waist was very bulky and thick and the cord never seemed to be tight enough to hold the pants in place. So I stitched a line right below the ribbing and then... cut it! This was the first time that I cut knitted fabric. Unlike most people would think the knitted stitches do not get undone as long as you stitch them first. I then added the elastic interlock waist and voila! My new favorite shorties!!

The next two pictures (brownish color pants) are from my first attempt to make longies. The ones at the left came out too big. The directions didn't say to trim the edges so I used all the fabric on the arms and it ended up bunching up like this. The problem was that I was working with an XL size sweater, so the sleeves were too wide. So I went ahead and cut the little guy open again, trimmed the sides about 2 inches in each side trying to leave more space in the back for the buddy. The result was the picture on the right. Much better ha? However these are still a bit big on Baby, but that is OK. It was my intention to make the longies a size bigger because I do expect them to be wearable next winter.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Longies on the making

I have so much to blog about I don't even know were to start. So I will start with the fun part. I was able to find several wonderful wool sweaters in a different Good Will store. I was so exited! One of them was even felted already! I think it is so funny that what is a ruined sweater for someone becomes a perfect finding for someone else. I spend only $24 on these sweaters, some of which are 100% cashmere, the others are 100% wool. I know it is so silly but the day I found them, I was so exited I almost had a car accident... LOL that would have made these longies a bit more expensive... I have ordered a yard of wool/lycra interlock for the waists. A while ago I purchased a pair of shorties from Woollybottoms. They came with a very stretchy waist. I love them! they are my favorites! Baby wears them all the time, so I started researching and researching what this stretchy fabric was, until I found out it was wool with lycra. I am just crossing my fingers I can do as good of a job as the Woolybottoms lady. She does an amazing job!! Here is a sample:

See the yummy stretchy waist?

I do warn you that the wool/lycra material is very expensive. I paid more than $30 for just one yard including shipping. I just hope I don't ruin it... I am still not so confident on my sewing skills. I bought it here.

I am also knitting a pair of longies using a pattern called Itchy Fingers Longies download available from ravelry. This pattern calculates everything based on your swatch. I got a gauge of 24 sts on my swatch so I calculated everything accordingly. The longies started to look huge to me... So I revised my gauge. Turns out apparently I started to loosen up my gauge as I kept going and I ended up with 20 sts per 4" which means now I am 4 sts off. That is why my longies look so big... I was just about to frog them when I decided to try them on Baby just in case. They actually don't look bad and I was thinking maybe I can felt them a little or save them for later when he gets bigger. I am going to continue and knit an extra 2 inches on all the vertical measurements to allow for felting. We will see what happens. I hope it works!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Wood workshop

One of our home schooling friends put together a wood work shop. We have already made a jewelry box, a bird house and this time, we made a bird feeder. Although big sister has different plans for it, it came out so nice. I wish I had made my own so I can actually use it as a bird feeder.

As we get to meet more home schooling families, I realize that maybe I was not as weird as I thought, I just hadn't find "my kind". My husband used to tell me that I was the only woman who did this and that. Because I believe in breast-feeding on demand and as long as the child want to. Etc... But talking to other home school families, specially Christian families, I realize that there are many other moms like me who sleep with their babies and breast-feed for long periods of time. Many also avoid vaccination, etc. It is so nice to find other people with similar beliefs.


Baby is getting so much fun! He is really starting to want to talk, he says things like "dog" "cat" "shoe" "teeth", etc... Funny because these are all words from his "Your baby can read" videos... Also I recently discovered that he can actually read some of those words. One day I had him on my lap and the word "wave" came up on the screen. Before they actually said the word he started to wave. I was very exited! but my husband didn't believe me so I questioned myself. Last week again I was watching the video with him in my lap, the word "dog" came up on the screen, before they said the word he said "gog". I couldn't believe it! The videos actually work!

Besides that he is doing so many other cute stuff. He loves cleaning, he loves wiping and sweeping the floor. I seriously need to get him his own toy broom so I can use mine... Today I was putting away my husband's clothes and he was very busy and quiet doing something. When I went to see he was grabbing his dad's socks from the drawer and one by one, he was putting them inside the toilet. The toilet was stuffed with folded socks! It was so funny I couldn't get mad.

But the best thing of all for me as a mom is, that he is finally eating food. At 15 months he finally shows interest for food and eats quite a bit, especially if I sit him on my lap. He loves cereal and chips, beans and meat, etc. This is very important because before now, he wanted to be nursing 24/7. Hanging from momma all the time...Of course! he was hungry all the time...
I feel can get more done now that he is eating as he can play on his own longer. I heard that many breast-fed babies are very slow to eat solids and even when they do, breast-milk remains their main food. This is the case with my baby.

The sleeping situation has gotten a lot better too. He only wakes up a couple of times now and he sleeps good 10 to 12 hours.

Sunday, September 06, 2009

More fleece pants and safety

I made another pair of fleece pants for Ian. This time I tried a wider waist strip. That worked out much better. Also added an "Elmo" applique on the back. Mainly because if I don't, daddy will keep putting the pants backwards... LOL! So now I can just say "remember Elmo goes on the back..." I used the option on the pattern to have a lower rise on the front. I don't expect daddy to notice the difference, so that will be Elmo's job. I am happy with the results and the fleece I got at Walmart for only $4 a yard is nice and thick. It didn't say it was "anti-pill" but I sure hope so.

On another topic, our friend Scott came to help us install the safety gate upstairs... I can not express how thankful I am, hubby and I were having a hard time trying to figure out all the pieces... Scott is so talented... he came, glanced at the instructions for a few seconds, and then installed the gate like it was nothing... Wow! Thank you so much Scott!! It is so nice to finally be able to let baby walk around upstairs without having a panic attack every time he is near the stairs... What a piece of mind...

Saturday, September 05, 2009

Life philosophy

Lately I had to make some though decisions regarding my life. Mainly I have been thinking a lot about the purpose of life, or more concretely the purpose of my life. I think that God is calling me to leave a more separate life. In a spiritual way that is. I have been reading a book called REVOLUTION in missions by KP. And at the same time I felt I needed to quit a long life friendship that was not positive for my spiritual life. It was a very hard decision, one that I had been considered for a few years, but did not have the courage to make until now. It is like God is talking to my life through these two events, making me think about my life and my purpose and the futile things we spend most of our time in.

I have gotten to a place where I am tired of pretending to be "normal". I don't think I am. I don't think any real Christian fits the worldly definition of normal. According to the world, I am weird. Because if I put God first and live my life as if only JESUS matters, that will definitely be weird. But I am convince that nothing matters, only Jesus, and falling in love with him all over again, going back to my first love, is all I want right now.

Friday, August 28, 2009


I started looking around for wool sweaters I can use to make longies for the winter. Longies are long pants made out of wool that work both as pants and
diaper cover during the winter. I was unable to find any wool sweaters at our local Good Will so, I decided to try to make them out of fleece. Fleece works just as well but you have to wash them more often. Not only I want to learn how to make them to save money but also because DS's measurements are so wide, it is really hard to find anything already made that fits well. His hips are really wide and his tights are very chunky. I found directions on how to make your own pattern in this website.

Of course, like I expected, I messed up the first one on different ways... plus I will need to adjust the initial measurements, but it is wearable as it is... I am sure I will get better as I practice.

Of course my cute model helps my pants look better... I left the length longer so he can grow into them.

I also started a knitted pair from a pattern called Itchy fingers. I have the ribbing done and just started knitting the body of the pants. Pictures coming soon.

Oh yeah and I finished the Berroco CISCO Hat on August 6... Here are some pictures:

This was supposed to be a gift but I think we will keep it... he he. It was somewhat of a confusing pattern, it wasn't as fun as I thought it would be, if I do it again I will probably use a self striping yarn to avoid waiving in all the ends...

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


That's it! The stains win, I loose! I give up! It is going to get too cold during the winter to try to sun them out anyways...

Ravelry Forums

I was bored one night and then... behold I discovered the forums on RAVELRY.COM and now I am hooked! I have been a ravelry member for a long time but never really care to look into the forums until just recently I decided to post two comments, one asking for help on yarn substitution for an Alice Starmore sweater I can't find the yarn for... and the other one related to my outrage that Patons decided to change the content of their Classic Wool, which used to be 100% soft merino, and now and without previous warning is 100% pure new wool, not guaranteed to be Merino... I mean the kind of stuff only nerdy knitters like myself would care about... Well it was so nice to read all the replies... I think I am having an "I found my people" moment... Love it! By the way my ravelry name is crpuravida if you care to find me there!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

My holy time

My friend crunchymom inspired me to continue writing my blog... even if it is once in a while.

No matter how tired I am, I just need to have some quiet time to myself. Most of the time, this can only be done at night when everybody is sleeping... Yes, this takes time away from my sleeping but I just have to have it or I start feeling I am going crazy. It is a sanity issue. I call it my "Holy time". Usually during this time I read, or knit or watch one of my favorite movies, other times I just surf the internet for knitting patterns or stuff I need to buy.

I know I am not the only one. My oldest sister used to do it. When I visited years ago I was amazed how late she would stay up even though she had to wake up really early. Donna Dewberry from one stroke painting started to paint at night when her five children were little and she needed to do something at night to mentally-relax.

The only problem is that sometimes I enjoy myself so much that I loose track of time and stay up until dawn... This is NOT good, because the next day I am exhausted...

Wednesday, July 08, 2009


I feel bad I haven't been  posting anything here in a long time... If you are wondering why? it's because I discovered FACEBOOK. Most of my posts here are small... more like thoughts, so Facebook works great for that and it goes directly to my family and friends, so it is more practical to do it there than here in my blog. I will continue posting here especially about my knitting stuff but not as often, as I am putting most of my family pictures and personal thoughts on my Facebook wall. I just wanted to let you all know... Have blessed day. :-)

Sunday, June 28, 2009

I need serious help...

I am a very challenged cook. I just hate cooking. Now, for many reasons this is a huge problem, but besides the obvious reasons... when you have a gluten free eater at home, that on the top of that could use to loose some weight... or at least stop gaining weight... the problem becomes even more difficult. Oh and did I mention this same member of the family is super picky! Yeah, to make things even harder.

I have gotten to the conclusion that I need to take on this issue as a job, since it is not about fun for me. I have to tackle the pickiness, the allergies and the weight management. It would take more than a good chef to tackle all of these issues, it would take serious organization, planning and lots of help.

After browsing through tons of cooking books, these two were my selection:

These two books are a perfect combination, the Stella book actually has tons of gluten free recipes because he avoids using wheat flour, and his cooking is low calorie and low fat, and the Sneaky Chef has several pre-made purees that you can freeze until needed which is another great idea for me since I am always in need for quick meals. I am still reading The Sneaky Chef. It is more than a cooking book. It has a few chapter on the philosophy of the book. It is actually very interesting. I am yet to order the Stella book. But I will next week. I am also using several good websites. Then I need to sit down, and start figuring out some menus and then the shopping list. Huff! I wish I liked cooking... at least a little bit.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Fleece soaker

I got more fleece at Walmart. It was only $2.50 for half a yard. Here is the second soaker I made. I love it! I made an application of a whale on the back. I can't wait to make more... I think I am finally getting the hank of this sewing thing... LOL!
I used the same patern from Katrina's blog. 

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Wanting to knit a Baby Surprise Jacket

I am really itching to make a  Baby Surprise Jacket for my baby... I have always been curious about the popularity to this pattern. Now Schoolhouse Press offers it in all sizes and gauges which is very convenient plus directions to add a hood, pockets, etc.

The only Elizabeth Zimmerman book that I have is Knitting Around, and there is another cute baby jacket in it called the Bog Jacket. I think the finished product is cuter than the Surprise Jacket but for some reason people just love to make the BSJ. Maybe is because of the cool construction of it? I had been looking at both FOs from other knitter's at Ravelry but still can't make up my mind...

There are some good videos in Youtube on how to make the BSJ, even though it is probably not needed if I buy the new pattern with detailed row by row directions. The directions for the Bog jacket in Knitting Around are a bit general to me and it does not say what ages will the FO fit so I would have to do some calculation if I try that one...  

Friday, June 05, 2009

Babies get it everyday...

Yesterday I went to the grocery store with my husband and the baby. Normally I don't buy dairy products but we had a craving for ice cream and I had a craving for liquid yogurt. I opened the yogurt bottle on the parking lot and started to drink it, the baby started to whine asking for some, I let him have a tiny bit, barely a taste of it... To my surprised my husband seemed very upset with the idea of giving milk to our baby... He said: "Are you going to give him milk!????" At 13 months old this was the first time my baby tasted any milk products... I don't plan on feeding him dairy until he is much older but I just wanted him to have a taste of it. So I replied: "Babies get this stuff everyday..." My husband pause for a few seconds to think... and then said: "You are right... Wow! Our kids are so luck you breast feed them!

It was very interesting to me to see my husbands reaction, the way what's normal for our family is completely different from what is normal on other families, but specially it was interesting to me how he has completely learned from me the different ways to raise my children and why do I do it, from breast feeding to cloth diapering and homeschooling, a formerly normal mainstreamed guy has become a total believer of natural alternatives and homeschooling. And after many discussions to explain to him why I wanted to do things differently, it was so nice to get this kind of reaction from him because it tells me that he finally got it! And most of all, he appreciates it!!!!

It felt so good...  

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Knitting Stuff / Cosas de tejer y nuevas medias...

Out of all places I found this magazine at Albertson's while shopping for groceries. I hate grocery shopping but the possibility of been able to check for new knitting magazines is "a little" motivating factor to go. This was actually the only one they had, I bought it because I love this orange top. I was unable to flip the picture right for some reason. This issue also has several cute... yeah... sock patterns...

And talking about socks... I casted on last Friday on these socks. It is the yarn I showed in my last post. The pattern is Double Eyelet Rib Socks from Wendy Johnson. It is very easy to memorize and I love, love the results... These socks have the potential of becoming my most favorite socks ever... Here modeled by my glasses case is what I have so far:

Aquí están unas medias nuevas que empecé, es con la lana que les enseñé anteriormente, me encanta como me están quedando, yo creo que estas tienen el potencial de convertirse en mis medias favoritas... Me encantan los colores de la lana y el diseño que estoy usando... Aquí pueden ver lo que llevo hecho modelado por mi estuche de anteojos: 

Thursday, May 28, 2009

What next?

Of course I really want to make more shorties... but this bamboo blend sock yarn is calling my name... I love bamboo yarn, it is so soft !!! Perfect for a pair of summer socks. I found this one at our local Joann's. I love the colors! I had never heard of this brand before. It is called Premier Yarns in the Thyme color way. It was only $3,29. That is an awesome price for Merino Wool and Bamboo. I can't wait to see how it stripes. I am thinking waffle ribbing sock for this... 

Soaker is done

Blue Shortie 

Yarn: Patons Classic Wool
Date started: May 7, 2009
Date Finished: May 25, 2009

This was such a quick knit. I was afraid that it would be too small but it fits perfectly! I am very happy with it. I used size 6 needles for the body and size 5 for the ribbing. I got a 22 sts gauge as oppose to 24 that the pattern calls for on a size Medium. I wanted it to be a lit bigger for a M/L size. It came out perfect! 

One skein ankle socks

One skein socks

Pattern: Generic 
Yarn: Knit Picks 
Started: February 28, 2009
Finished: May 6, 2009

I finished the one skein socks a while ago. I like them. This yarn knits very fast. I used a 56 sts generic pattern. I only increased a couple of stitches on the widest part of the foot. Like I said before, I don't see the need for multiple increases. The opening was a little bit lose, so I decided to add elastic tread to the cast off. It did the trick to make it a little firmer but still stretchy enough to open when I put them on.  

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Just Ducky Soaker

We got another soaker on the mail! This one is from Just Ducky. It is a little bit "huge" but that is OK. It can be adjusted with the waist string. I just wanted to last for a long time. It is very sturdy and firm fabric. I think it probably was made with Cascade 220. I looks machine knitted to me. I used it for night sleeping last night and it was bullet proof.

Of course, Ian is loving the refrigerator and it just a matter of time before he starts getting everything out... Oh my... There is going to be trouble....

Monday, May 11, 2009

Soap Detergent

Ian has developed a rash and I have been having trouble getting the diapers clean. Usually they sun out really easy and lately the stains won't go away... So I decided to research about the soap. I purchase TIDE this time which is not the usual one... Well I was right, Tide is one of the worst soaps for diapers... here is a link to the list of safe soaps:

First Fleece Soaker

Actually, the first fleece soaker that I made didn't come out right. I didn't read the directions and I cut the fabric wrong. The fleece fabric only stretches one way and if you cut it wrong it won't stretch.

This is my second attempt, also made some mistakes but it is still wearable. At lest I got a lot of this fabric so I a going to try again.  I am a little afraid because I am not very good at sewing so part of it is getting good at sewing first, or in the process. I love this fleece soaker and I can't wait to make more...

Este pantaloncito de flanela se lo hice a Ian como covertura del pañal, es el primero que hago con la máquina de coser. Apenas estoy aprendiendo entonces heché a perder 2. Por lo menos compré bastante tela... No son difíciles de hacer, lo que pasa es que soy muy chapa con la máquina de coser... Lucre !!!!!!!!! ayuda !!!!!!

Thursday, May 07, 2009

Soaker fever...

We got this new shorties on the mail yesterday. They are from Woolie Bottoms. Ther are made out of a recycled sweater. I love it! I got the soaker fever again...

So I immediately casted on for another pair of shorties this time made by me. I am using the Tiny Birds pattern.

But... I needed some instant gratification... so I bought some fleece and downloaded Katrina's pattern for a fleece soaker. 

I can't wait to finish them! It is starting to get really hot here and I would rather use soakers than plastic covers.