Out of all places I found this magazine at Albertson's while shopping for groceries. I hate grocery shopping but the possibility of been able to check for new knitting magazines is "a little" motivating factor to go. This was actually the only one they had, I bought it because I love this orange top. I was unable to flip the picture right for some reason. This issue also has several cute... yeah... sock patterns...

And talking about socks... I casted on last Friday on these socks. It is the yarn I showed in my last post. The pattern is
Double Eyelet Rib Socks from Wendy Johnson. It is very easy to memorize and I love, love the results... These socks have the potential of becoming my most favorite socks ever... Here modeled by my glasses case is what I have so far:
Aquí están unas medias nuevas que empecé, es con la lana que les enseñé anteriormente, me encanta como me están quedando, yo creo que estas tienen el potencial de convertirse en mis medias favoritas... Me encantan los colores de la lana y el diseño que estoy usando... Aquí pueden ver lo que llevo hecho modelado por mi estuche de anteojos: 
How adorable! Hey I've been meaning to ask, do you know if knitting is more complicated than crocheting? How are they different? I'm curious to learn how to knit soon :)
That is a good question, I think that learning to crochet is easier, but on the other hand, even though learning to knit, requires more practice, you can do more with knitting than crochet. It is really not complicated, you just have to learn the basic two stitches "knit" and "purl" and the rest is just practice so you can get the right tension on your hands when you pull the yarn. A lot of people quit too soon, it take a little time to get the right tension, but like I said it is not complicated it just takes a little more practice than crochet.
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