This is the reason I haven't been knitting these days...
Wishbone ate our air conditioning host and electric cables and that was the last straw. Sorry, we took him to the pawn. We just couldn't deal with it for another year and a half. He was destroying EVERYTHING!
But... we did find a gourgeous dog and adopted her the same day. Her name is Daisy and I am so head overheals for her that I have been petting her and bruching her all day long... So, no knitting...
Here she is with me and my mother in law. We think she is a mix of Retriver and Aussie (Australian Shepard). She looks like a Retriver but her tail is short and her personality is very shy both of which are caracteristics of the Aussy.
She came home with a cough so I used the cupon they give you at the Animal Shelter to take her to the Vet. She did have brochitis so we came back home with antibiotics.
She is the friendlyier dog I have ever met. She has not attempt to bite or make bitting sounds at all. She didn't even bark for the first week. Now she barks a little (when needed) and she is digging a little... and she seems to be getting adapting to her new life with us. She seems much happier. At first she was so still and quiet that I was afraid she was sick or something.
I love this dog. I think it is amazing how God created these creatures to fulfill our need for giving love and protection.
Esta es la razon por la que no he tejido mucho ultimamente. Se llama Daisy. Es nuestro nuevo perro. Aqui se ve en la foto con mi suegra y yo. El otro perro tuvimos que llevarlo a la perrera porque mordia todo. La gota que derramo el vaso fue que se comio los cables del aire acondicionado. Pero cuando lo fuimos a dejar encontramos a Daisy. Es un amor. Lo unico que hace es chuparlo a uno. Ni una sola vez a hecho por donde mordernos o ladrar. Que perrita mas carinosa! Tiene como ano y medio y creemos que es un cruce de Retriver y Pastor Australiano porque tiene la cola corta y es muy timida lo cual es caracteristico del pastor Australiano. Estoy enamorada de esta bandida y no he tejido nada en toda la semana solo me la paso chiniandola y dandole su medicina pues tenia broquitis cuando la adoptamos...Al principio estaba muy callada y quieta pero ahora ya anda jugando y escarbando un poco, y el otro dia hasta le ladro a Mariel porque trato de entrar por la puerta de atras... JA JA
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