Monday, April 27, 2009

We made more shirts!!! / Hicimos mas camisetas!

We made more shirts. This time we made a Star Wars one, i-Carly, Lizzie McGuire and another Power Puff Girls shirt. I wish I had used a white shirt for the i-Carly one, it does not really look good over pink. Also, I didn't quite follow the directions for the back of the Star Wars shirt and I messed up the lettering. But overall I am very happy and so is R. 

The shirts were only $3 and cents at Michael's and the quality is really good. 

Hicimos más camisetas con transferencias y la plancha, hicimos una de Star Wars, una de Lizzie McGuire, i-Carly, y otra de las Power Puff Girls. Quedaron muy bien y a R le encantan. Las camisetas solo me costaron como $3 así que al final salió cada una como en $6. Super barato!

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