It is hard to believe but it is 88 degrees already here in Bakersfield, California. No spring this year. We went from Winter to Summer. With the heat comes the UNHEALTHY LEVELS of contamination in what it is the worst air in the United States. Yes! that is number one we are not very proud of. When the air gets like this my allergies go absolutely CRAZY, all of my face but specially my nose itches like crazy and I get really sleepy and tired. It is almost unbearable because I don't function. All that just to say that the knitting has been very unproductive this weekend as I was feeling so bad. I did made some progress with my sock but I ended up ripping it all the way because it is turning out too big for me. The weird thing is that I surprisingly got the right gauge, so I guess my problem is just that my foot is narrower than Wendy's LOL. To correct this problem I will probably start all over again casting on less stitches this time. I have to admit that I am little upset, but it is not the first time that I frog and start all over again, that is better than ending up with a final product that you are not satisfied with. Especially when you are using expensive materials.
Parece mentira pero el calor aqui ya alcanzado los 88 grados. Este ano no tuvimos primavera, fuimos de invierno a verano directamente. Con el calor se elevan los niveles de contaminacion que desafortunadamente son los mas altos de la Nacion. Con la contaminacion me empeora la alergia de una forma terrible y la cara me pica terriblemente pero sobre todo la nariz. Tambien me da sueno y fatiga y no quiero hacer nada y me pongo de mal humor... Por eso este fin de semana casi no teji y tuve que deshacer la media que habia comenzado porque aunque me estaba dando el tamano correcto de puntada aun asi me estaba quedando grande. Asi que la deshice y voy a empezar denuevo con menos puntadas. Me dio un poco de lastima hacerlo pero es mejor eso que terminar con un producto final que no me satisface, especialmente si el material que use es caro como en este caso.
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