Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Rebecca Design No 9 FRUSTRATION

OK, I have to admit that this diamond honeycomb pattern has been a little bit frustrating. As you can see in the picture, I did something weird there in that row and it does not look right. I have decided to rip it and start the whole diamond all over again. This will be the fourth time. This design is hard because there is a lot of tension in the stitches and I am using a cotton-silk yarn which has almost no elasticity. I bet this will be easier if I were doing it with the GGH Bali yarn because it has acrylic in it and I am sure it is more elastic than this. Here is a picture of what I have so far, before ripping it:

Do you see the while arrow pointing to the row that I messed up?

I have repeatet it 3 times with no sucess. So I am going to start the whole thing all over again. By the way I went to the Rebecca website to make sure there were no corrections to this pattern and sure enough there was a correction on the diamond graphic because it has more rows than the amount of rows shown in the magazine. So if you plan on making this project, be sure to download the corrected graphic from their forum section :

(copy paste this address in your browser address bar)

Aquí pueden ver el error en el frente de la blusa de Rebecca. Ya lo he desecho 3 veces y nada que me sale bien. Hoy voy a hacer el último intento. Lo voy a deshacer desde el principio y empezar denuevo. Había una corrección en el patrón del gráfico del diamante en el website de Rebecca pero no es por ese error que me está saliendo mal. Estoy un poco frustrada con este proyecto . A veces me dan ganas de tirarlo por allá por una esquina, pero ya lo quiero terminar para poder empezar otra cosa.

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