Thursday, July 26, 2007

Felted bag is finish and currently in the washer...

Marlene's big Felted bag is in washer as we speak. I am very exited to see how it comes out. It is indeed BIG. It is 14" x 20" before felting.
It took me a while to finish it. This was one of those UFO that stayed in my basket for months, after finishing the Vogue Knitting top I finally tackled it, following my rule of finishing my UFO's in between each new project. Now I only have two UFO's in my basket left, both of them original projects like this one. This pattern will be available for sale soon.
La bolsa de fieltro que lleva mi nombre ya está lista y actualmente en la lavadora. Estoy emocionada de ver como queda. Es bastante grande 14" x 20" antes del proceso de fieltro. Me tomó meses terminarla porque tenía otros proyectos, pero siguiendo mi regla de terminar un "objeto sin terminar" entre cada nuevo proyecto, lo retomé después de que terminé la blusita amarilla. Actualmente solo me quedan dos proyectos sin terminar en mi canasta de "objetos incompletos". Este patrón estará a la venta pronto.

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